Cylinder Manufacturing
Our cylinder repair and plating department does cylinder circumference changes for publication customers, cylinder repairs for packaging and publication customers along with overflow production plating that may be needed by our clients to meet demand. We also do specialize cylinder plating for those in embossing or other such specialized cylinders.
Our plating department will also work with you perfecting the process of plating, R&D and testing of consumables. Any product we sell is tested extensively, data analyzed and proven in our own department.
We also conduct training for your maintenance people on our equipment along with process and plating chemistry training.
Tel: (864) 472-0334
Fax: (864) 472-0338

The equipment in our cylinder making Department consist of Automatic Copper Plating Tanks, Alkaline Copper Strike tank for repairing and buildup of steel cylinders.
3 adapter less copper tanks capable of high-speed high-quality copper plating. Two copper tanks capable of doing cylinders from 90 ” up to 133 ” face and 32″ circumference up to 60 ” circumferences. One copper tank capable of 25 ” face up to 70 ” face.
Two CFM cutting and polishing machines to deliver exact sizing and the optimum polish finish desired and specified by our customers.
We also have a Daetwyler Polishmaster for precision sizing of cylinders.
The equipment is capable of both doing medium packaging size cylinders all the way up to 3.3 meter publication size cylinders.