We offer all spare parts for our Heliograph machineries (K.Walter, Hell, Daetwyler Graphics, Bauer, Lüscher, Schepers) and spare parts for all Glunz + Jensen equipment.
Our equipment:
- Mazak CNC Lathe – Quick Turn Nexus 250-II MY (with live tooling)
- Mori Seiki CNC Lathe – SL-4
- Mazak CNC Mill – VTC-200B
- Haas CNC Mill VF-1
- Boehringer Manual Lathe – VDF (bed length up to 168”)
- Nardini Manual Lathe – Nodus (bed length 96”)
- Brigdeport Manual Mill (10”x50” table)
- Surface Grinder
- Saws
- Drill Press
- Welding
Tel: (864) 472-0334
Fax: (864) 472-0338